Sunday, August 27, 2006


Moderation is a political philosophy based upon the premise that individuals and society face a variety of distinctive, complex, multi-dimensional issues, problems, and conflicts. Resolving those issues and conflicts, solving those problems demands a balanced, multi-dimensional, flexible, and dynamic perspective. Some issues require immediate revolutionary change. Other issues involve enduring principles that require ongoing protection. Other issues require careful planning & ongoing re-evaluation.

The guiding principals of Moderation are justice, equality, security, and freedom for all of God’s children. Moderation presumes that we must always strive to form a more perfect union. It presumes that we can and must constantly strive to pursue goals while being vigilant to protect the progress that we have attained. It presumes that we attain and maintain a more perfect union through struggle.

Moderation accepts that resolving complex issues may require a combination of both short and long term steps in order to reach a goal. It argues, however, that those steps should be formulated as a complex, principled whole rather than as negotiated, piecemeal, short-term goals without agreement on final resolution.

Moderation postulates that we must temper our approach to a problem by the nature of the problem rather than by crafting rigid templates for addressing every issue or problem. The solutions to some problems require immediate and radical resolution while other problems require caution and careful planning. Inequality among our citizens requires immediate, unmitigated resolution. On the other hand, providing a social infrastructure, preserving our natural resources, or planning for energy sources requires careful long term planning and review. At the same time, Moderation recognizes that resolution of inequality, injustice, or wage and chattel slavery requires that thoughtful solutions need to be crafted which truly resolve problems.

Moderation presumes that people are essentially good in intent, if not inherently good. This view also presumes that humans are capable of determining their own fate as individuals, communities, nations, or a civilization.

Moderation views the role of Government to be a tool to achieve the common good but recognizes that we must constantly be vigilant to ensure that Government cannot be used as an instrument of oppression by one group or class against others. Our Constitutional mandate to promote the general welfare is a succinct expression of that role. The public should determine the appropriate role for government. Government should provide for the common defense. It should ensure the preservation and nurturing of Mother Earth. It should be responsible for our infrastructure. It should ensure public education of its citizens. It can be delegated responsibility for ensuring the common good. It can and should be used to maintain a safe environment that is suitable for individuals and society in order to achieve prosperity and self-realization.

Moderation is a political philosophy that is appropriate both for struggling for power and for governing. While governing, it recognizes an obligation to attempt to reconcile differences between conflicting factions in order to ensure Democratic rule while protecting the rights and interests of minority factions. It also recognizes the existential need to accept criticism and to exercise self-criticism in order to both improve our approach to any given problem and to avoid developing institutional paralysis.


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