Trump's Appeal
Trump's fundamental appeal is his opposition to amnesty for illegal immigrants. While there is much support for illegal immigrants, there is also seething opposition to allowing people to come into the country illegally and take jobs from citizens. This is not to them a racist response but an issue of fairness. That is not to say that racists and opportunists don't take advantage of the situation to spew their vile blather. This racism only makes it more difficult to stand up against illegal immigration for fear of being tarnished with the same brush as those racists. The job market for legal residents and citizens has deteriorated along with the growth of undocumented workers. The problem is only exacerbated by misinformation and misplaced sympathies. For a long time, illegal immigrants only took jobs that others did not want because the wages were too low to provide for a family. Illegall immigrants are now being hired for skilled, semi-skilled jobs, and even publically financed jobs. Supporters of illegal immigrants are also disingenuous about how many people are in the country: the numbers are based on the Bureau of Labor Statistics which depends upon illegal immigrants admitting that they are here illegally. Furthermore, there was a organized effort to encourage illegal immigrants to lie about their status during the 2010 census. The problem is not being addressed because of broad support for illegal immigrants among our elite: the Democratic and Republican Parties have both turned a blind eye to and/or took advantage of the problem for years. That is because illegal workers push down labor costs. In addition, Illegal immigrants represent a large, potentially political force because of their social inroads into American families. The solution, by the way, is mandatory E-Verify. Democrats and progressives ignore the consequences of job loss on citizens, especially workers. American Capital has been importing illegal labor and exporting jobs for decades. Senator Sanders rails against the export of jobs but supports illegal employment at the expense of American workers. It is the one important issue where both Secretary Clinton and Trump have a better waffle. Trump, however, rails against both illegal immigrants and the export of jobs. Who do you think average Americans will sympathize with in a confrontation between illegal immigrants flying Mexican flags and Trump? These flag-waving protesters in California are trying to prevent a major American Presidential candidate from exspressing his views In doing so, these protesters have transformed the image of Trump from condoning/encouiraging brutality in his rallies to a man trying to control the violence and express his political views.
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